According to recent studies, reducing one’s salt intake offers significant health benefits. The risk of developing vascular disorders and having a stroke is increased when salt intake is high. The use of potassium supplements is thus advocated by scientific research.
It is well-known that a high intake of salt, or sodium chloride, raises blood pressure, worsens cardiovascular health, and is therefore one of the risk factors of early mortality. Fortunately, a new study published in the journal Heart demonstrates that these dangers may be mitigated by switching from conventional salt to a salt substitute in which part of the sodium chloride has been replaced with potassium chloride.
Twenty-one clinical trials investigating the effects of salt replacements on blood pressure, including over 32,000 individuals, were included in the study. All of the research were published before the end of August 2021.
There was no correlation between demographic parameters including location, age, gender, or body mass index and the effect that potassium supplements had on lowering blood pressure. According to the study, “Salt substitutes show consistent blood pressure-lowering effects across geographic locations and diverse subgroups of individuals,” as reported by the British publication The Guardian.
When the study population was refined to only 24,000 people, the researchers discovered that switching to a salt replacement lowered the risk of heart attack, stroke, and premature death from any cause by 11%. The danger of heart disease dropped by 13%.
There was no evidence of toxicity at higher doses, therefore potassium chloride is likely safe, according to the study’s authors. Concerns have been expressed, however, about the impact of the potassium salt added to the alternatives on those with renal illness. Instead, they should try to keep their potassium consumption to a minimum.
However, the researchers claim that their results lend credence to the idea that salt alternatives should be used in both clinical and public health settings. They suggest doing so in order to lower the unhealthy consumption of sodium by replacing it with the healthier potassium. This should result in a general decrease in blood pressure, which will aid in the avoidance of potentially fatal cardiovascular problems.
This is a very significant societal issue. Tracy Parker, a dietician at the British Heart Foundation, told The Guardian that this study serves as a helpful reminder to minimize salt intake and seek out alternatives.
Reducing your salt intake is the best thing you can do for your health. She suggested that, rather of using salt, people try using a variety of herbs and spices. However, she did caution that patients with preexisting heart conditions and other illnesses, such as the aforementioned renal ailments, should not use potassium supplements.
Overexertion-related shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and a lack of energy over the course of many days are all signs of high blood pressure.
Reducing blood pressure requires relaxing the body and mind. Try closing your eyes, slowing your breathing, or lying down. Some people may get relief from receiving a head massage, using a cold compress, or consuming cold liquids. Bananas are also highly recommended by some. To reduce blood pressure permanently, one must first make changes to their way of life. Weight loss, sodium restriction, and eating nutritious, high-quality food should be your top priorities.